Hollywood Walk of Fame – Street Life Photography

I went last weekend to Hollywood Boulevard to capture the personality and culture of Hollywood Walk of Fame street and reflect how dose it look like in a typical day there.

What I liked is the diversity of people coming from different places to visit the street sidewalks and look down at the engraved stars and take pictures while interrupted by people who work as famous mimics wear known movies or characters customs trying to attract you to take pictures with them for some tips, Its their living income based on fame of others.

You don’t see real actors or actress stars there usually but you see their monuments of achievements in sidewalks. There are 2400 stars engraved in the sidewalks represents people who have known achievements in motion pictures, broadcast television, audio recording or music, broadcast radio and comedy or tragedy masks. Each category represented by icon on the star.

I hope you enjoy the pictures and have the sense and feeling of the place. I took them in Black and white as this is my preferences for street photography. below is the one I liked the most, and others are listed after as thumbnails (click to access the original size and navigate through them using the slideshow).

Hollywood Walk of Fame - Break Dance Street Show

Hollywood Walk of Fame – Break Dance Street Show


  1. hi šŸ™‚ i just nominated you for the wonderful team member readership award.rules, etc. are in my post šŸ™‚

  2. I like the new theme. I was using it before. The pics are great as always.

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